
Going Abstract

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Going Abstract


It’s no secret that I adore creating abstract photographs. I love their ambiguity and the way they’re able to express emotion. They also give me practice in composing using visual design principles. As I work with the shifting light, colour, lines, shapes, curves, textures, and patterns, the experience of seeing becomes very different. Not knowing “what something is” allows me to tap into the underlying emotion or essence of the scene. I notice how the image makes me feel, rather than trying to understand or figure it out.

This downloadable PDF consists of 12 sections.

1 – What is Abstract Photography?

2 – Seeing Abstractions

3 – A Little History

4 – Types of Abstracts

5 – Emotions

6 – Light and Shadows

7 – The Built World

8 – Wabi-Sabi

9 – Impressionism

10 – Reflections

11 – Let’s Review

12 – Moving Forward

This is not a course in creating abstracts through post-processing, adding filters, layers, and textures, although that is possible too. This course focuses on seeing abstract possibilities, the way you compose, and camera settings and movement.

You can use any kind of camera (or smartphone), including a smartphone. If you’re able to control aperture and shutter speed you’ll have more options, but that’s not necessary to get the most out of it.

You’ll enjoy this workshop if …

You’re intrigued by or are already taking abstract photographs.
You enjoy a challenge and want to stretch yourself as a photographer and try something new.
* You’re comfortable working on your own.
* You believe practice is what truly helps you to grow in your photography.

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12 Sections covering many different aspects of abstract photography, each with a practical exercise.

Practice on your own time
Lots of valuable links
Enjoyed by many others
Practical exercises
3.18 MB
38 pages
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